Boosting Caregiver Health with Stretching

Despite what you might believe, daily stretching’s growing popularity isn’t limited to the young. Older adults are increasingly turning to stretching and meditation to find relief from stress and pain and restore physical function. Stretching and meditation have proven especially valuable for family caregivers, who face physical and mental health challenges that far exceed the norm.


Here are some facts about stretching for the elderly — brought to you today by the compassionate caregivers at AvilaCare, who believe that we can all make a difference in the lives of others.

The Challenges of Caregiving

Health problems are often common among family caregivers. Informal caregivers frequently neglect their own health while caring for a loved one and face high levels of stress in their caregiving duties. Heightened stress is manageable in short spurts, but many caregivers stay in that role for several years. Self-neglect isn’t sustainable in the long-term, and mental and physical health problems frequently emerge. Statistics from the Family Caregiver Alliance show just how serious the caregiver health crisis is.


Caregiving is difficult for the person receiving care as well. Losing independence is painful, and many seniors struggle to cope with the change. This leads to depression, anxiety, and apathy in many chronically ill and disabled seniors. On top of the emotional strain, care recipients must cope with the physical symptoms of health conditions.

Why Stretching and Meditation?

stretching and meditation are highly effective at relieving stress and require minimal resources to practice. This makes them ideal for seniors and caregivers facing high levels of mental strain but lacking a lot of money or time to spend. Individuals who practice stretching and meditation not only feel calmer while on the mat, but they also learn important coping mechanisms. Stretching also improves physical symptoms. Stretching builds strength, flexibility, and balance, and alleviates chronic pain. Stretching is especially beneficial for back pain and arthritis, Harvard Health reports.


Stretching and meditation have less obvious benefits too, especially for elderly practitioners. Stretching and meditation aid in the release of muscle tension, easing problems like teeth grinding and jaw clenching. This is important for older adults, who are more prone to pain and dysfunction in the temporomandibular joint. By relieving symptoms of stress and depression, stretching and meditation improve seniors’ executive function so they stay on top of self-care habits like dental hygiene. While stretching and meditation can relieve jaw pain, you should still see a dentist at least one a year for regular checkups.


Stretching and meditation benefit gut health as well. Researchers are still learning how gut health influences the body, but what they do know is this: Gut health affects more than digestion, influencing body systems as distant as the brain. On top of eating a healthy diet, regular exercise and stress management are some of the best ways to improve gut health — and a happy gut, in turn, promotes a sound mind.

Stretching and Meditation Tips for Beginners

Despite the many benefits, stretching and meditation are frequently absent from self-care routines. Caregivers and seniors may believe stretching and meditation are too difficult or simply be unfamiliar with the practice. However, these obstacles are easily overcome. These tips will help new practitioners get started in stretching and meditation.



Many new practitioners choose to practice stretching and meditation at home, and that’s an excellent option, especially for seniors who are homebound. However, beginners to stretching and meditation benefit greatly from instruction, and if you’re a senior, you may already have access to fitness facilities that offer stretching classes. Many Medicare Advantage plans from providers like Humana offer seniors eligibility to the SilverSneakers fitness program which grants seniors membership to gyms around the country.


Caregivers and seniors who feel apprehensive about stretching and meditation or want guidance in their practice should seek instruction from experienced teachers. Ananda Meditation and Stretching Center offers classes in stretching and meditation for all ability levels at affordable prices for seniors community members. Drop into a single class or purchase a pass to reap the rich benefits of stretching and meditation.


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